Welcome to your future with Solar

We are here to help you understand the solar technology and how it works. We can design the project for your specific needs.

Our Mission

Revolution Solar’s primary mission is to deliver affordable, state-of-the art, professionally installed solar solutions to our clients. Our key engineering, design and installation personnel have a combined 16 years of industry experience, delivering more than 11,400 kilowatts of clean energy into the grid. Our expertise in the field allows us to build systems that are guaranteed to meet expectations and return value to your home or business.


Clients purchasing systems from us benefit from our Industry leading guarantee to cover installations against defective workmanship for 25 years.

All of your systems critical components are sourced from Tier 1 Rated Manufacturers. Manufacturer guarantees up to 25 years are offered on primary system components.

System Information

John Doe
Address: 123 Street Ave, Baltimore MD, 55555
Email Address: info@upwindsoftware.com

System Size


Initial Year Production

12,208 kWh

System Offset


Production v Consumption
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Solar Advantages

Provide instant savings with zero upfront costs or maintenance responsibilities.
At the end of the agreement, all of the power the system makes is FREE!

There are many incentives that make going solar a smart investment. We’ll help you reap the rewards of solar ownership by preparing all of the necessary documentation to cash in on going green!

System Purchase Breakdown

Electric Savings

$ 36,246

SREC Icome

$ 36,246

Total Savings

$ 36,246

Environmental Benefits

Irvin Young

Over the past five years, Irvin has helped over 500 DC residents go solar. Irvin has an extensive understanding of construction, having been in the construction industry since 1980. Irvin is active in his church, having volunteered on multiple mission trips, including two trips to Uganda to install solar systems.

Investment Table

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